Get started
Get started in 5 minutes
Welcome to Shipped, the NextJS boilerplate to launch your SaaS in days!
Shipped code is on GitHub, so start by forking the repo.
If you have purchased the Startup package go to this page and click on the Fork button:
If you have purchased the Startup + Chrome Extension package go to this page and click on the Fork button:
In the fork form, select the owner (your GitHub user), uncheck the option "Copy the main
branch only", and click on Create fork.
Why forking?
When you create a fork, you own the new repository, while your fork keeps a link to the original repository.
This means that if I update the Shipped boilerplate code, you can integrate the latest changes with the click of a button.
In your repository, you will find a button on GitHub called "Sync Fork" that allows you to integrate the changes I make in the original repository at any time!
Now it's time to clone the forked repository.
Go to your forked repository on GitHub, click on the "Code" button, and select "Open with GitHub Desktop" for the easiest way to download the repository to your local computer.
Instead, if you're familiar with the git CLI, use the command git clone<your fork>
Finally open a terminal, go to the folder you cloned the repository into, and run:
At this point, your product is running at http://localhost:3000
Point your browser to that page, and see it in action! 🚀
Pretty exciting, right?!
Check the Configuration page to configure your web app (mandatory for most of the features).
NodeJS Version
To correctly run Shipped, you need to use the version of NodeJS 20.10.0
To enforce it, the repository includes a .nvmrc
NVM is the Node Version Manager that you can download here.
To activate the correct NodeJS version, go to the Shipped folder and run
Pro tip Install the script to automatically switch nodejs version when you move to a folder with a .nvmrc
Common next steps:
Configure a database
Configure authentication
Last updated
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