Workspace / Organizations

Shipped comes with support for Workspace / Organizations.

They are collections of users that you can use to let the users organize their teams.

For instance, if they are all part of the same company, i.e. "Acme Inc.", you can allow them to create an organization and invite other users to it, with specific roles (Owner, Admin, Member, Guest).

Create a workspace / organization

Use the component <CreateWorkspaceModal />.

It is a modal with an input field.

The route POST /api/workspace handles the workspace creation.

Add a workspace / organization member

Use the component <AddWorkspaceMember />.

It is a modal with email and role.

The route POST /api/workspace/invite handles the workspace invitation.

It sends an email to the target email.

If the user doesn't have an account (never signed up) it is added to the table WorkspacePendingInvitation, otherwise to the table WorkspaceUsers. If a user is pending an invitation, when he or she signs up, the user is automatically moved from the WorkspacePendingInvitation table to the WorkspaceUsers one.

Additional routes

GET /api/workspace/[id]/invitations — Get invitations to a workspace DELETE /api/workspace/[id]/invitations — Delete invitation to a workspace GET /api/workspace/[id]/members — Get members of a workspace DELETE /api/workspace/[id]/members — Delete member of a workspace PUT /api/user/role — Update the role of a member

Last updated